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정보공개 글로벌 김치문화와 발효과학의 중심 World lnstitute of Kimchi


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청렴경영 정보공개

Relationship between chemical characteristics and bacterial community of a Korean 1 salted-fermented


Relationship between chemical characteristics and bacterial community of a Korean 1 salted-fermented anchovy sauce, Myeolchi-Aekjeot 


Little is known of the relationship between the chemical characteristics and bacterial community of Myeolchi-Aekjeot, a traditional Korean fermented anchovy sauce. Therefore, we explored this relationship by determining the salinity, pH, nitrogen content and inorganic content of nine Myeolchi-Aekjeot samples. Major resident bacteria in Myeolchi-Aekjeot samples were from the genus Halanaerobium and Tetragenococcus. Interestingly, in samples with a high ratio of total and amino nitrogen content, Tetragenococcus, comprising halophilic lactic acid bacteria, was the dominant genus. Furthermore, high total and amino nitrogen contents were found to correlate with the genus Tetragenococcus, with R2 values of 0.85 and 0.89, respectively. Total nitrogen content is generally considered a quality parameter for fish sauces. We therefore conclude that the presence of Tetragenococcus bacteria can be an important quality parameter in future studies of salted-fermented anchovy sauces. Our results suggest a relationship between the chemical characteristics and a dominant bacterial community of Myeolchi-Aekjeot.

본 공공저작물은 공공누리 “출처표시+상업적이용금지” 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다.
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  • 담당자 고재덕
  • 연락처 062-610-1708