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정보공개 글로벌 김치문화와 발효과학의 중심 World lnstitute of Kimchi


글자 크게 글자 작게 인쇄

청렴경영 정보공개

E?ectiveness of Periodic Treatment of Quercetin against In?uenza A Virus H1N1 through Modulation of

  • 작성일2017.05.15 00:00
  • 분류
  • 조회수1,966
  • 링크
  • 저널명Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
  • 저자Bipin Vaidy,조세영,오경서,김두운,권요셉,김송학,김영오,정은혜,Thoa Thi Nguyen,김성현,김인선
  • 구분
  • 유형


E?ectiveness of Periodic Treatment of Quercetin against In?uenza A Virus H1N1 through Modulation of Protein Expression


Kimchi, a traditional fermented food regularly consumed in Korea, contains various types of antimicrobial compounds. Among the tested compounds present in common spices used in Kimchi, quercetin showed the highest selectivity index against influenza A virus (IAV) H1N1. In this study, the effect of pretreatment and periodic treatment with quercetin against IAV in Madin?Darby canine kidney cells was observed. Compared to pretreatment, periodic treatment resulted in significantly higher cell viability but lower relative expression of the IAV PA gene and total apoptosis and cell death. To explain the mechanisms underlying the antiviral effects of quercetin treatment, a comparative proteomic analysis was performed in four samples (mock, quercetin-treated, IAV-infected, and quercetin-treated IAV-infected). Among the 220 proteins, 56 proteins were classified nonhierarchically into three clusters and were differentially modulated by quercetin treatment in IAV-infected cells. Post-translational modifications were identified in 68 proteins. In conclusion, periodic treatment with quercetin is effective in reducing IAV infection, and differentially regulates the expression of key proteins, including heat shock proteins, fibronectin 1, and prohibitin to reduce IAV replication

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